
Our purpose is to educate, inform, & equip businesses, individuals & legislators to become educated healthcare consumers about costs and care. We want to make you aware of useful information that IS available, how to find it, and how to use it.

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About Patsy Writesman

Patsy Writesman started her career in Health Care in 1980 working for EDS' Healthcare Division while they had the contract for the Tennessee Medicaid Program. With an extensive executive background in healthcare, she has directed and managed Healthcare contracts and staffs in Tennessee, Arkansas, Kansas, Hawaii and consulted on contracts in Indiana, Florida, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Georgia and Virginia.

She now consults and speaks nationwide educating businesses, organizations, legislators and individuals about imperatives to know in health care - What do YOU need to know?  How can YOU be proactive in taking control of healthcare and healthcare costs? 

She informs, educates and equips businesses, individuals, providers of healthcare, healthcare vendors and legislators about health care, health care costs, and provides a wealth of information about what is occurring and future trends in healthcare.  She has been referred to as the "Arianna Huffington" of healthcare, the person to go to about what is happening in healthcare.